
  • New site!

    Just wanted to let everyone know that I have a new web-site now, here. That site exists to allow me to get better at some skills I haven’t had the time to try, such as animation.

  • Point clouds and drones: Part four

    Yesterday we came back from Spain!

  • Point clouds and drones: Part three

    This is a continuation of two previous posts. See part one and part two.

    In part two I wrote about how we submitted our paper to a conference, UCAmI.

  • Beginning year five!

    Began my fifth year at LTU some weeks back. I’m excited to have started my final year.

    I am currently reading two courses now, one project course where a group of us work together with a local company, and another in mobile and distributed systems.

  • Point clouds and drones: Part two

    This is a continuation of a previous post, see part one.

    During the second half of spring 2022, some of the previous team decided to continue work on our previous solution. We set out with two primary goals

    1. Reduce the human error while controlling the drone, so as to improve the data we collect from the drone.
    2. Improve and expand on the post-processing
  • The Netlight Experience

    On the 13th of may, I travelled to Stockholm to take part in the Netlight Experience. Netlight experience is a day for Netlight to give fourth-year students a chance to see what working at Netlight is like.

  • Point clouds and drones: Part one

    During the first half of spring of 2022, I was part of a team working on a system for mapping a room using a drone. This was a project I was part of in the course M7012E at Luleå University of Technology.

  • Welcome to my website!

    Hey! This is my first post for my new website. This website is built using Jekyll, and hosted using GitHub Pages. I have some experience with React, and building websites with it, but wanted something more light weight. Jekyll works well for that.

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