Hey! This is my first post for my new website. This website is built using Jekyll, and hosted using GitHub Pages. I have some experience with React, and building websites with it, but wanted something more light weight. Jekyll works well for that.

At the time of writing I am close to finishing my fourth year of computer science at Luleå University of Technology. I am currently taking two courses, one about declarative languages, and the other an in-depth course in pervasive computing.

In pervasive computing I am developing further on a project I was a part of earlier. The goal is to use a drone with an ultrasonic sensor to map a room. I might share some more about it later!

I think the declarative langagues course is very interesting. It is a very different way of thinking, as compared to imperative programming. We have used two languages, first Haskell and then Prolog. Haskell is a functional language, and Prolog is a logic language.

One exercise in Prolog was quite interesting. Since Prolog is basically a language where you query a database of logical truths, it is well suited for something called state space search (wikipedia). The exercise consisted of guiding a robot through a series of rooms, where entering the room had some requirement from the robot. If you are interested in the code for this project, you can find it at github.

I think this will do for now.

Talk to you later! \(^_^)/